Classic DOOM god of FPS games

User Rating: 9.1 | DOOM: Collector's Edition PC

Like the above article explains, DOOM was one of the greatest action games, to start a revolution of action shooters. Created by what seems a middle school Metallica fan, from the scrap paper of a notebook. Wich, to me, is ironic. Because around the time my old friend and me were in 6th grade, around 1995, we were both big on Metallica and DOOM. And we both liked to draw monsters. And now Im an artist.

I have played, what seems hundreds of times, through the hellish corridors of The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II. And, I have yet to complete my horrifying journey through the classic Final DOOM's Plutonia and TNT. Both, which are very challenging games that offer hordes of demons like the classic game.

I guess to review rthis game, these days, would be to say this was the one true revolution of all Science Fiction First Person Shooters.