This collection of Doom games has lots of value, but still suffers from some rather serious flaws.

User Rating: 8.5 | DOOM Classic Complete PS3
The Good:

-Includes every single classic Doom game and expansion ever.
-Good value for money (lots of content).

The Bad:

-Online multiplayer has next to nobody playing it.
-Lots of the expansion content isn't as good as the 2 original games.

I have reviewed and played almost every major version of Doom. I have played Doom on the Xbox 360, on the Playstation, on the PC, and also the BFG edition of Doom 3 for the PS3.

It appears that I will have to give one final review however, since now the entire classic Doom collection has been released on the PSN store.

Since I have already reviewed Doom a number of times (see my other Doom reviews) I won't go into details about the actual gameplay, but rather I am going to explain the value of this deal and what is included.

Basically, this collection includes every classic Doom game and expansion ever released on any platform (not counting Doom64, if you consider it to be a "classic Doom" game).

That means that this collection includes:

The Ultimate Doom.
Doom 2.
Final Doom (TNT and Plutonia).
The Master Levels for Doom 2.
No Rest For the Living for Doom 2.

That's six whole campaigns. That is A LOT of levels.

However, while this may sound great at first glance it is worth noting that a lot of this content is fairly mediocre. The Ultimate Doom (basically Doom 1 plus the "They Flesh Consumed" expansion) is an epic classic. Doom 2 is also awesome. However when it comes to the rest of the content its quality ranges from "simply ok" to "horrible". This is largely because all of the other episodes are merely level packs for Doom 2 and don't actually contain anything new besides more levels and some new textures and music sometimes.

The "No Rest For the Living" episode for Doom 2 was created just recently as a bonus for the Xbox 360 XLA re-release of Doom 2, and its probably the best expansion content for Doom 2 since its recent creation date meant that the level designers had modern tech to create the new episode.

Final Doom is a mixed bag, containing some good levels but also lots of very horrid ones, and the Master Levels are simply pure sewage for the most part to a point that they are almost not even worth playing.

All in all though, this is a great deal for those who want to play the original Doom games on the PS3. I think the whole pack costs about 20 dollars, and seeing as you are getting a vast amount of levels this pack isn't exactly lacking in content.

Also, I have yet to find a soul that is playing the online multiplayer.

Overall, a great deal for anyone who wants to play the classic Doom games on the PS3.

Just keep it in mind that besides The Ultimate Doom and Doom 2, the rest of the content is merely ok at best.