Doom will keep you playing all night long.

User Rating: 9 | DOOM (Long Box) PS
Doom is a game that brings back alot of fond memories as a child.My dad loves Doom and ofcourse when I was little i use to see him play it all the time. I would be afraid when his character was about to die because the space marine always yells when he gets killed and it use to freak me out lol.Anywho i firsted played doom once when my dad was away at work i knew he was stuck on this boss fight with a triple rocket shooting devil thing on the hardest difficulty.So what did i do i enterd the password to the level my dad had writen down and in 2-4 tries i beat the level and when my dad came home he could'nt believe it :). Lol i was only 6 years old when i did that and ever since ive been obsessed with doom. ive beatin it twice and it is one of my favorite games of all time. An instant classic and if you have never played doom before you are missing out buddy ;).If i would have never played this game i dont think i would be even remotely intrested into fps as i am today and i owe it all to doom and amazaing game that has touched my mind and heart for years ever since i was 6. Thank you doom, thank you id and thank you playstation !!!!