Definitely not as good as it could of been.

User Rating: 2.9 | DOOM SAT
Doom has been one of the greatest games in history, starting in 1993. It's been very popular across the years, along with other games like Quake. Doom games eventually came to more and more systems, and rather quickly (save for Saturn). Now consider this: -Doom is FINALLY coming to Sega Saturn (about 2-3 years late) -A compilation of Ultimate Doom and Doom II are being included with it. You would at least expect something good that ID would've added during those extra years, right? Doom for the Sega Saturn HAS TO be one of the most GOD AWFUL games for the entire world that wasn't meant to be a joke. I am extremely disappointed, being a huge Doom fan. The frame rate is literally around 5-7 fps on average, even in the smallest rooms. The problems don't stop there, either. The sound is below average; it sounds like the background music seems to take over, but while fighting, it seems like the sound sems to change volume itself, and usually both the music and sound is very soft. The music is just a bunch of slapped-together sounds, which doesn't really sound like music. Gameplay is extraordinarily easy and horrible at the same time, even with the hardest difficulty. Playing Doom II, I beat the first 6 levels on the ultra-violence (hardest) setting and my health didn't go below 75% at any time. I stopped at Lv. six because it was just that bad. Another thing left out is the nightmare difficulty, but it would of probably made the game even slower from the excessive zeal of monsters it would of had. Many things were either degraded or just totally left out from this version. It plays like anyone just slapped together a couple of sounds, animations, and values, put it on the market and called it a game. Overall: Only if you're a HUUUUUUUUGE fan of Doom should you get this game, and only for your collection, not to play. Otherwise I recommend the PC version. But if you're one of those who just itches to try out the not-so-good games just to see what it might be like, don't waste your money.