worse than donkey konga one, and the songs could be a lot better

User Rating: 7 | Donkey Konga 2 GC
while this game has the entire feeling of donkey konga one, the music choices seem... incredibly lacking.

with the first one, there were some odd songs. but most of them didn't seem all that odd to konga to, this game, your konga-ing to rap, country music. and slow songs.

its got solid gameplay, but nothing to put the bongos to good use

teh mini-games were fun. and if your lacking an extra bongo for donkey konga one, or lost it for donkey kong: Jungle Beat. i'd suggest you get this game, with bongos, its $50, so its a $20 game.

it also seems like tis just biting off the original, so its not that "revolutionary" to the nintendo series.