The game has excellent graphics and still plays well even today.

User Rating: 9 | Super Donkey Kong SNES
Donkey Kong Country was a big game because it had such amazing graphics at the time and was one massive game so how does it hold up. The answer is pretty well.

The gameplay is a typical sidescroller get to the end of the level. You can play as one or two players in the game. You take 2 hits and you lose a life so if Donkey Kong and Diddy get hit once its back to the start or nearest checkpoint.

You collect bananas which if you collect enough you gain an extra life. 100 exactly will give you one. Also keep an eye out for balloons they give you a 1 up. Also you shoot out of cannons which get you across gaps. Some are controlled by themselves meaning you have to time your fire just right or else you could die in some of the later levels. Also bonus levels are accessed by collecting the letters KONG which are scattered throughout the level which give you the oppotunity to gather one ups.

You also ride animals like swordfish,frogs,ostrichs and even rhinos. The level design has you across many levels such as caves,jungles,snow levels,factories and even mine cart rides and they are good fun levels and are very creative. Donkey Kong and Diddy get advice and help from fellow members of the Kong family such as being able to get to a level quickly and to save their game.

The game has an excellent look to at and it still holds up very well at the time which was 1994. The musical score is good also. The game is quiet big as well and can get challenging later on which gives you a bit of a test. I say if you love your 2D sidescrollers try this out for 800 Wii Points give it a look. It might lack replay value but playing through it is a heck of alot of fun.