Great classic game. I remember playing it when I was just 4 years old.

User Rating: 9 | Super Donkey Kong SNES
I remember when my dad beat this game on the SNES.I was just 4 years old. I play this game all the time on my emulator and I have beaten it. This game is a real classic and it is a game with the right difficulty. Its not that hard and its easy at the begining. Then it gets so hard I almost had to use save states. The boss battle at the end is fun and something happens and i'm not spoiling it. This game has lots of levels, lives and enemies. The scenery and music is great! And its a challenge when you try to beat it. This game is really cool and packed with items, enemies, suprises and more. The secrets and bonus levels are fun to look for. once you're tired of finding them you end up grabbing bananas in one. There are many lives in the first level. This game has good graphics and they just don't seem to ger any better. They are too good. You should play this game! It's really fun!!