A fallen devil rises

User Rating: 6 | DmC: Devil May Cry - Vergil's Downfall PC
After finishing Devil May Cry I immediately started playing Vergil's downfall just to sink my teeth into more great action, fast combos, and demon slaying, and that is exactly what I got. If you enjoyed playing as Dante then you'll more than likely love playing as Vergil, but not without a few shortcomings.

The first thing I noticed about Vergil's Downfall is the cutscenes. They are made to look hand drawn, kinda like a comic book. They're very nice to look at and tell the story nicely, but they still feel a bit lacking. The animation quality is all over the place ranging from good to mediocre. It would have been a lot better if they would have just made the cutscenes using the game engine like they did with Dante. The story would be easier to understand, more enjoyable to watch, and just overall better.

The gameplay on the other hand is fantastic. Vergil's chains and combos are more technical and faster than Dante's, Vergil has his own abilities that are fun to use, and each hit has a lot of weight to it to make you feel like you're dealing out some real punishment. Some players might not like playing as Vergil as much since like I said, he's more technical to use. You can't just hack away and win like you can with Dante, no. You have to learn each attack and upgrade each one accordingly to shell out some real fast paced attacks. The more time you spend playing as Vergil, the more you'll like his move set.

The only real disappointment I had while playing with Vergil is that he doesn't have as much variety in his arsenal as Dante. He has the swords you can shoot, swords you can summon from the ground, his devil trigger, an angel weapon and demonic weapon, and that's really about it. You can upgrade each one to do a little more, but it's still not enough. You'll still love playing as him, but each time you look at his arsenal you can't help but feel like it should have more variety.

Of course playing as Vergil wouldn't be as fun without a good level design, and the missions here are fun. Each mission level design feels like a lot of care and thought went into just as much as Dante's missions. The games campaign is only six missions long and can be complete within an hour sadly, which is a problem because $8.99 for a six mission DLC is a bit pricey.

This DLC got a lot of work put into it to satisfy the player to more action, great music, and even more missions, but the price and quality of the cutscenes hurt it. If anything this should have been a free add-on, specially since this game connects this game with the sequel. The bottom line is, if you enjoyed the main campaign and don't mind the price point, then by all means buy this. For everyone else, just play the original trilogy or wait until the sequel comes out.