Take everything you know about the original Devil May Cry series and forget about it.

User Rating: 7.5 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
The positive:
-Surprisingly good game.
-Decent boss fights and a sh*t ton of fun fighting the regular bad guys.
-The first 2 weapons that are introduced are the best in the game.
-The Night Club level
-Awesome secret missions (mini challenges)
-Great story
-Great voice acting
-Outstanding controls

The negative:
-Upgrade system is pretty contrived
-Too short
-You will play through the game never using some of the weapons
-Some game elements border on plagiarism
-Predictable ending
-Contrived platforming sequences
-Incredibly easy puzzles

Similar Games:
-God of War
-Ninja Blade
-Darksiders 1&2

Great game, worth a play through. But not worth $59.99. Not a disappointing play, but just a little short. Then again, there really isn't much else to play yet this winter. Good gaming!