A lot of fun and an entertaining reboot

User Rating: 8 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC

I tend to enjoy Japanese action games. They just have a way of really pushing things over the top and making for some exciting gaming. Too, they put some energy into the characters and story to construct some enjoyable lore which is another component of gaming I like. So, when this reboot was announced I anxiously looked forward to taking some time with it.

From the opening scenes I really found myself enjoying the attention to detail. Particularly, as you began gaining new skills in limbo with the beautifully tiled floors that you had to jump across it was clear that the developers didn't skimp on details. I can appreciate that. The rest of the game, from start to finish, has a similar level of attention including some large and quite disgusting boss fights. Some of these parts I enjoyed as much as the bigger scenes in the original Dante's Inferno.

Admittedly, the story does play out in a bit of a cliche fashion. However, it is good enough and not too drawn out that you don't feel the game becoming a chore. By the end when you face the bigger of the two final bosses you come away with a sense of accomplishment though neither was particularly challenging. Honestly, in this way DMC did feel a bit laxed from its predecessors that ratcheted up the difficulty in some pretty hefty ways.

This game is certainly a worthy addition to your library though I wouldn't pay full price for it. It's most definitely a slice-and-dice, action-fest though the fighting options are more than just generic button mashing like many games out there these days.