*vomits* god this game stinks. bad gameplay, graphics, and voice overs make this a complete waste of time.

User Rating: 1.6 | Disney's Brother Bear PC
WHY GOD WHY!!!! this game is horrible. even if your a die hard disney fan, i wouldent suggest getting it. unless u intend 2 load it full of lead. the gameplay is bad, and disconnected. the voice overs are bad, and the mouth-voice coordination is worse than those people at the preschool with the marionets whose mouths move. nothing in this is good. seriously. the qeusts are horrible, all of them being fetch qeusts. now for the people who liked this game, it is probably because YOUR 5 YEARS OLD!!! this game will probably take most people a days woh of gameplay (around 3 hours) but for the hard core gamers, this will be in the trash after 15 minutes.