This is the kind of game people are picturing when they say gamecube is only for kids, yet its the best kids game out.

User Rating: 6.1 | Disney Piglet's Big Game GC
I'll make it short since this game really doesnt have much to it. It has simple puzzles and easy press the buttons that you have limited time to execute. It's easy but its a kids game. This game looks awesome on Roo's level looks like cardboard but the objects are colored outside the lines, and it really looks fantastic because each character has something that represents his or her personality. Some stuff is unintentionally funny if your older. Like my last statement about graphics the same goes for sound this game can really be unintentionally funny, like when Christopher Robin says, "Don't worry Piglet. To over come your fears you must believe in yourself." Piglets very sarcasticly sounding repsonse is "Ohhh thank you Chistopher Robin I feel much better." However reason enough to buy it if your older, believe me there's lots of these instances. 6 hours thats all you'll play it, you'll show all you friends how funny it is so maybe longer. But little kids might take as many as 10 hours just depends how well they know games. Its fun and funny so thats great.