Good movie, but bad game.

User Rating: 4 | Disney/Pixar Up PSP
The game is boring, its pattern in all chapters is the same, it is defined in solving a ´´puzzle´´ (so to speak), while defeating enemies such as tigers, bats, dogs, etc. As I said before, it is a pattern that is repeated in almost all the chapters, the only moments in which these mechanics change, is in the chapters in which you have to advance using a log as a boat, while avoiding crocodiles. I liked the movie , but I can't say the same about his game and even the game puts elements that have nothing to do with the movie, like the final chapter in which, Dug is mounted on an airplane to be able to destroy the turbines of the Muntz airship.   Conclusion: The movie is good, but the game is not, it is boring and repetitive.