This game had potential,but didn't reach it

User Rating: 5.5 | Disney/Pixar The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer PS2
The game The Incredibles Rise of the Under miner was a game that had potential. The concept of making a game that was a squeal to a movie without the movie coming out was a great idea.
The story line starts out okay until the first 3 minutes of the game. In the beginning you start out where the movie ended, in the parking lot. Somehow Frozone got there so quickly *shrug*. The rest of the family goes off somewhere unimportant. In those minutes you realize that you will only be playing a Frozone and Mr. Incredible. This was a disappointment to me, but I though maybe in later levels. I was wrong. Frozone and Mr. Incredible through the entire game. Their witty comments eventually get very annoying and they keep saying them. The story is not very good as you notice almost when you turn the game on.
Now for the gameplay. This game has the usual controls, which are fine. The entire game is dodge this beat this up. The game gets boring very fast, but that gamer inside of you will not put it down until you win. There are many cheats that you can find everywhere, the main one me and my brother used was the egg head code (i can't remember what it is off the top of my head). In this game there was a co-op function, which if you liked the first game you thought would be great until you found out you were limited to only two characters. The only enemies are robots and bigger robots. As I said before this game gets very repetitive. There is another problem Frozone if you upgrade his attack is as strong and Mr. Incredible. Now if you saw the movie you know that that is way off. This game is repetitive and doesn't deliver your pizza with peperoni just cheese.
The design of the game reminds you of the movie. So as you can guess It looks like the movie besides the robots. There is an art gallery and the art work isn't bad at all. Personally I think that the art is the best part of the game.
In conclusion, if you see this game at a yard sale for a dollar I say get it, it's not that bad. If you see it for more skip it over. Since the artwork is the best part you can go on You Tube and watch someone else suffer. This game is super easy and that told me that the developers wanted to make the game short, why you do the math. This is an okay game and if you see it for a dollar or under go for it, for more save your dollar and get a hot dog.