Reviewers were wrong.

User Rating: 8.5 | Disney Epic Mickey WII
Alright, to start off, most of the game reviewers were totally wrong. There are barely any camera problems as long as you control the camera (which isn't that hard, it comes naturally to me).

The good...
-Great graphics... for Wii, anyways.
-There are TONS of collectibles, and trying to find them all is a blast.
-Side quests are a bonus.
-Great story.
-Cool cut scenes.
-Fun puzzles.
-It's great for Disney fans, old and new. They might even learn something about Disney they didn't know.
-Lots of choices you have to make.

The bad...
-Camera can be annoying once and a while if you're not controlling it. The reviewers definitely over-exaggerated it, though.
-Going back and forth between places can get annoying and repetitive.
-Sometimes directions are confusing, so it's hard to figure out where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to do. The guardians help a lot though.
-It might be a little TO dark, sometimes it's hard to see (but it's not a camera problem)
-I've gotten glitched inside something once or twice.

And to rap up my first review...
I'm sad how the reviewers over-exaggerated on the bad, and just plain forgot about the good. Now, lots of people are missing out on a great game.

Overall 8.5/10

P.S. When I say reviewers, I don't mean ONLY Gamespot, I mean IGN and other sites.