I miss the old rally games

User Rating: 5.5 | DiRT 3 PC
I've been a fan of Codemasters and Colin McRay's rally franchise for more years than I care to remember. However I must admit that the Dirt series has put a damper on my enthusiasm. Dirt 1 was good, once you get used to the cars' quirky handling. Dirt 2, in my opinion took a step back due to its arcade nature. I purchased Dirt 3 due to previews saying that the franchise is going back to its roots i.e. rallying. Up to now I've experienced a lot of flashy front end with gym something or other and bloody drift racing crap. God, I hate "drift" and don't really care for the gym things-these should be optional. Whatever happened to Championship mode! Please bring it back! I suggest that Codemaster release their future Dirt games on two disks; one for the gym and drift rubbish and one for serious rallying. As it stands I doubt that I will purchase any more in this franchise. I got so frustrated that I installed Colin McRay's Rally 4 and played that. Now that's a quality game!