Serves a decent amount of fun and frustration.

User Rating: 7 | Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue PC
The sequel to the Diner Dash game that I really started playing on my phone. It's fun and yet sometimes frustrating. Here's the DL.

Big Tip = The Good Stuff
I'm Outta Here = The Bad Stuff

Big Tip: Great classic and unique gameplay, variety of challenges, different situations that keep you guessing what should be priority
I'm Outta Here: Some characters get frustrating, sometimes not interactive when you click on a different place, gets repetitive, loading is kinda long

Big Tip: There is actually a good theme to it where you have to save others' restaurants, different situations to keep you thinking
I'm Outta Here: Have you thinking too hard, you can tell that the ending is going to be a let down (I haven't beaten it yet)

Big Tip: It's cartoony fun graphics, nice backgrounds, customizable backgrounds after each level
I'm Outta Here: Characters have a limit of animation, in between cutscenes are just comic style cutscenes which are kinda boring, can get lost in the color scheme that you won't know how much patience someone has or if their order is ready

Big Tip: Jazzy track
I'm Outta Here: Music AND sound is repetitive, sounds are kind of goofy

Big Tip: All you use is a mouse
I'm Outta Here: Sometimes clicking somewhere doesn't work, makes it seem broken

It's a fun game. It could have improved in some aspects including control and sound, but it's a good game for in between work and such. It's probably a good game that belongs on a phone instead.