It is ok not the best but ok.

User Rating: 9.5 | Digimon Story: Moonlight DS
In digimon dusk you will play on the night crow team. You start out in a creepy looking place called thriller ruiens. After A while youcan get digimon.
You can get up to 250 digimon in the game. thats cool. as you go on some more you can evolve your digimon onec they meet the requierments. you can digivolve them all the way to megas. MEGA stage digimon are realy good they have the powerfull powers that no other youger digimon get. if you think you can get up a rank in a titel mach go ahead but you have to fight a realy tough tamer for it. The last one has 3 Lv 90 megas in dawn. dont know the Lv of his digimon yet because I am knot that far. I am only sliver rank in dusk.
But lets get this done and over with this. I could say you could like this game if you can take all of the wild digimon fights and how slow it is to Lv up in this game. If you cant then dont get this game you could never get realy far in this game. I think that needs some less randome incounters in the game. but you need to fight a lot of enemies to Lv up and beat the bosses in the game it is alot more fun in dawn to me. ok lets stop righting now. This is piplup1036 here please cheek out the blog and say hi ok bye.