Nostalgic, Great variety of maps, Awesome Soundtrack, Bad graphics, Abandoned, no events, many cheaters

User Rating: 5.5 | Digimon Battle PC
Digimon is a great attempt to bring anime and mangá fans to the games, with an attractive intuitive, the GREAT variety of digimons and his evolucions or "digievolutions".
But if fail when you dont have updates and fails when fans lose to the cheaters.
commands are simple, and you just click on the enemy to attack, In the batle arena, the connection of the game makes it hard to when there are a large number of players in a single match.
The soundtrack is amazing, and
The game have a poor grapics and only have one kind of event:
200% exp experience. A lot of players quite, because of lack of events, cheaters, and lack of new contents.
if the whole game was good as the soundtrack ...
With no incentive, there is no reason to play.

If you are a digimon fan, go ahead and play DIGIMON MASTERS, because Digimon battle was a good game, Now nothing but a game old and abandoned, waste of time.