The fastest way to a carpial tunnel. NOT a real RPG.

User Rating: 6 | Diablo PC
I never understood the hype. I didn't found that Diablo deserved the best points of all the games out there. It is plain boring after the second level, it is all the same with biggers monsters. Only because you need to level or have some "customization" to use some piece of equipment doesn't make it a RPG. If you compare the storytelling with games like baldurs gate, kotor or planescape, you will find that something is missing. It is an action game with too high aspirations. Playing different classes only means same awefull clicking frenzy, but with "different" weapons. There is not any roleplaying, not an interesting story to follow, or to endear your character. In my humble opinion, it is plain boring and lame game. It doesnt even have a good ending, one memorable as mafia or even max payne. The sound is the same over and over and over again, the same swash and wush till you can feel it drilling in your brain. My opinion is clear, keep away this game and set the points it really deserve. 6 or less...