Ahh, the memories...

User Rating: 9.5 | Diablo PC
One can't deny that Diablo revolutionized the way an RPG was played. Up until its release, Final Fantasy was pretty much the benchmark and accepted method for going about designing an RPG. This was the first game to throw caution to the wind and turn the genre towards a more action-based hack-and-slash style. It did this very successfully, and a lot of people owe thanks to this masterpiece from Blizzard.

GAMEPLAY - The gameplay here is very basic, but at the same time very customizable. All you do is run around killing things and picking up their loot, with the occasional quest, of course. There are three distinct ways of doing this considering the character classes, but the same goal is pretty much the same. Like I said, great gameplay even though at its core is very basic. - 9/10

STORY - Pretty much there is one reason and one reason only you're journeying into Hell: to kill Diablo. As you progress, you'll get quests that help explain the back-story to some characters, but pretty much you're just trying to save the town from the leader of all these evil minions. - 8/10

GRAPHICS - The graphics are obviously sub-standard nowadays, but back when this came out these graphics were great. My only complaint, and this might have to do with the time this game was released as well, is that each character only has 3 skins depending on the level of armor you're wearing. - 8/10

SOUND - The music, one-liners - everything - is so memorable here in terms of sound. This stuff will stay with you long after you're done playing. - 10/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - This game is beatable in a few hours, but the replay value here is great. Like I said, there are three distinct character classes that all present a different way of playing this, and they're all fun to try. The best way to play this is online so that you can play on the different difficulties, but this unfortunately sacrifices the quest amount compared to single player. My best recommendation is to purchase the Hellfire expansion so that you can do the three difficulties on single player since no one plays this anymore online. - 9.5/10

BOTTOM LINE - Diablo was the game that started the modern-day RPG formula for the more action-oriented titles. Many people still have this game in their collection because it's simply that great. Hellfire is a fun expansion if you can get your hands on it, but for the most part the original is the game you're going to want to play. This game is a classic in its own right, and you shouldn't pass up the chance to play this, especially if you've played the second Diablo. - 9.5/10