Most challenging stealth game but too many cut scenes.

User Rating: 8 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution X360
There was something about this game that kept me from buying it when it first came out. I wasn't really sure if I wanted a game that is partially third person, and the graphics gust didn't look appealing to me.

But then I discovered Onlive and noticed the free demo, and I thought "What do I have to loose?". I played 30 minutes and I became curious. Since the game was available for under $20 I couldn't resist and buy it.

At first I didn't take the game very serious as I wasn't a 100% sure if I'd like it, but the further I got into it, the more I learned about it and I started to enjoy myself.

What I really don't like about this game are the many cut scenes which you have to sit through and make many answers in order for it to finish. I really didn't care about all the "blablabla", just wanted to play the game! Unfortunately, there's no "skip" button or anything in the settings to play the game without all those cut scenes. That would have been a nice addition!

The other frustration I had with the game, was that there's too much stuff to remember and learn. While I never really understood the hacking mechanism, I was always able to hack stuff by just randomly clicking away. I've seen many other games with much better hacking instructions and more enjoyable hacking mechanisms.

With all that said, I think the game is worth playing for people who like stealthy games and don't mind sitting through lengthy cut scenes.