This Instalment of Destroy all humans is no fun to play due to its poor graphics, Insipid story and aweful Mechanics.

User Rating: 3 | Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon PS3
Destroy All humans has lost its way With Path of Furon. It used to be fun, running around taking control of people and just running around with at least decent looking visuals. Its now a Pain in the a#* to play For many reasons and boasts a slight disgust and disappointment that the creators would put so little effort into what could've been a great game.

Destroy all humans:POF's biggest problem is its extremely weak game play mechanics. They work notheless, but its most defective, delayed and just a real pain to use. Like your weaponry for example, Your firearms are not effective in use and takes way too long to either hit the enemy or take him down. Your Telekinesis power as well is quite agonising, This is not delayed, but the biggest problem with it now is that it is not accurate and can only be used on so few objects. But what is a fine feature is the mind control and taking over the bodies of vulnerable humans, along with hearing their kind of cheesy thoughts by reading their minds.

Another thing that doesn't quite cut it is direction, You often waste a lot of time figuring out what to do as the characters and the game doesn't really help in what to do in those parts. Like a certain part near the beginning, You have to steal a lawyer to get his body to invade this one place, once done, you have to go to the place and the bodyguard asks you for a password... you try reading the guards minds but once you kind of got the answer (Which takes forever and a day) they are already suspicious of you which then you have to run away and then your time in the body runs out and you fail the mission in the process.

The Graphics and Structure of it are rather poor, Women look like inflated dolls and men very stick like and thin, The Buildings are well shaped but lack of detail are weak.

Destroy All Humans:POF's Faults are outweighing it heavily at least 1090 and is no fun to play due that almost every aspect and thing in the game was Designed and orchestrated poorly. The game will come out Harshly degraded and disappointing for fans of the previous games, Its a shame.