Good, pretty good. It is scary, but after reading this, it may spoil it.

User Rating: 9 | Dementium: The Ward DS
Dementium: The Ward. I've always wondered what it means. Ward means a section in a hospital that is specifically used for a purpose.
During the game, you go through different parts of the hospital trying to solve the mystery of the hospital and to get out of there alive. In the begining, it's very linear with no point in back tracking, but after lets say, you need to get the three keys, you need to travel almost everywhere in the hospital. I've never died so far, but i heard people saying that when u die, you need to start from scratch. I don't know for sure, but I'm not risking it! There are pros, and there are cons of this game.
1) Excellent graphics with textured weapons and rooms.
2) Audio of the game is amazing (take the beginning part of the game as an example)
3) The eeriness of the place makes you think about it all night.
4) A masterpiece that actually made it scarier than Doom 3.
1) Flashlight has unlimited range.
2) Once you kill a zombie and exit the room then enter back, they are ALIVE again!
3) For a few minutes, you are in a hospital, then it turns into a labyrinth!
4) Very hard to solve puzzles.
Overall, it is a good game having some cons. Enjoy, for you will never pick it back up.