a not so good and yet not so bad game...

User Rating: 7 | Dementium: The Ward DS
i have played some horror games on the ds but none of them actually scared me. Resident Evil ds is just the same as the psx version, while Touch the Dead isn't scary at all. And then I played Dementium: the ward came and I played it with a headphone and in the middle of the night... and guess what it actually game me some goosebumps... but don't get me wrong the game is not THAT scary. And the story is a bit confussing.

Graphics = the graphics is actually good for a ds game

Gameplay = the controls are a bit frustrating at first but if you have played some FPS on ds before, you should have no trouble at all. the major flaw about this game is the save system. if you die you start again at the beginning of the chapter. Sound = trust me, you must have a headphone to be able to enjoy the game great audio.

Replay = there's nothing to do at all other than to play it all over again. there's no unlockables, secret stuff of other hidden things.