Good crossword game for passing idle time waiting in line. Best available for cell phones at the moment.

User Rating: 7.9 | Dell Magazines Crossword MOBI
I actually like this game very much. It really seems to be the best way you can play a crossword game on a cell phone. The graphics are what you would expect for a game like this, but it's technique of showing you the current accross and down tip for the space you're highlighting is very intuitive. I'm no crossword expert, so even the easy puzzles seem very hard to me. There's a new puzzle every day, and you can save puzzles to complete them later (only one at any given time, though). The game has a hint feature, but it won't tell you which words or letters are right or wrong, it will only tell you how many complete words you got right. Limited, but still a little bit useful. If you like crossword puzzles, and have a phone that supports this game, then I would recommend it. It's gread for times spent waiting in line, or waiting in general.