A delivery sim, with a bizarre story.

User Rating: 7 | Death Stranding PS4


- the game has very realistic aspects in regards to movement and overall human capabilities. Sam feels very vulnerable, which forces me to manage movements and physical exertions.

- it's cool how you can use other people's equipment online to navigate the terrain.

- the stealth BT sections are very tense. Something to do with the cry of a baby which makes the tense environment even more tense. I guess it's the traditional belief that even I carry that babies can detect supernatural entities.

- using sam's shit as grenades is kind of funny.

- short cutscenes of BB keeps the mystery up.

- The twist at the end of the game was very cool. It was all very confusing rights before the end, and I was on the verge of giving up on the confusing story. But during the last cutscenes, everything was made clear, all the questions were answered. And the twist was pretty crazy.


- the gameplay has too much walking. There needs to be a bit more action. More offensive stealth.

- can't explore the cities or facilities.

- the game focuses too heavily on defensive gameplay which isn't exactly up my alley. But I guess it's expected of a game made by Kojima.

- the feeling of repetition sets in quickly. Just taking an order, delivering it, looking at a hologram talk to you, take the next order, rinse and repeat. It's also very weird how Sam doesn't say a single word when the hologram is talking.

- the stealth sections are tense, but they also get repetitive since there are mostly only two types, against BTs and mules.

- there's apparently like 50,000 people in one of these knot cities, but I never see a single soul anywhere around these facilities. Neither am I allowed to see them inside the facilities. I just wish there was some way I could explore the lives of these people while holed up in there. I think it would have been interesting had they included that in the game.

- the environment gets repetitive too. I traverse the same Rocky paths, grassy paths, muddy paths. They all look and feel the same wherever I Go. Sure they have their own unique properties, but it's literally these three types of terrains repeating over and over again throughout the world.

- the BTs eventually just weren't scary anymore. Rather annoying. Most of the time I just wanted to get to my destination just so I can progress the story which was the only thing I cared about. So I just avoided them as much as I could, craft a bunch of grenades and just kill them and get on with the route, or even just build a timefall shelter and skip the rain completely. I really didn't want to be crawling around the entire map slowly just to get to my next destination.

- that part where I was supposed to take that girl with the hourglass to her boyfriend didn't feel very emotional even though I think the game tried to make it look emotional, because I don't know either of these characters. There was no character buildup of any kind prior to the mission. That cutscene and the crying and the voice acting seemed very sad but I felt nothing.

- the higgs boss fight felt extremely clumsy to play. Camera angle went crazy and I just kept getting interrupted. Fighting him in person was also really annoying, because using the strand didn't always work period and I tried canceling out his detector, but it never worked no matter what timing I tried. And the hand-to-hand combat had sad music but I felt no emotion, because I just wanted it to end.

- the whole buildup with fragile and Higgs, and the hate that fragile had for him didn't amount too much. When she finally got his hand on him, she didn't really do anything besides punch him once in the face then execute him with the gun. The way she explained how she felt about him, I really thought she would give him a treacherous painful end. Maybe have him die in the time fall. But just a bullets the head completely negated everything she's said before. And her comeback about "damaged goods" was super lame, and super weak.

- the baby crying during fights or like a big fall becomes annoying. On top of that, I'm really not a kid's person. I can't stand taking care of a kid. So all the crying eventually just got on my nerves.