Reminds me of Bushido Blade for ps1, just with better graphics.

User Rating: 7 | Deadliest Warrior: The Game X360
Seriously this game reminds me of Bushido Blade for the PS1, which is the charm it holds for me. Wish the combat was a little more consistent and it was realistic always ( sometimes I slash and connect at the neck, sometimes the head rolls other times its just a scratch...?). The inclusion of special moves would have been nice also how hard would have been to add a GAMMA slider, this game is dark on my tv to the point I had to change the settings on my tv. Overall really good game but needs more polish, characters, movesets...bigger budget and more time?.. Worth the price though still playing it. Online has its issue but if you have company at the house and 2 controllers and a few uh..sodas its a blast. Sometimes the games glitches are what make it so funny, cut the leg off the pirate and he got stuck in the ground in an odd position having what seemed like convulsions as I stood on him and did my victory scene ontop of his convulsions. Most humour I have found in a while in a game that is suppose to be realistic and serious.