This game is almost perfect.

User Rating: 9.5 | Deadliest Warrior: The Game X360
Everyone that is complaining about the difficulty should keep practicing before saying that mashing the x button is the only way to win.I am in the top 100 at tournament battles and when i come up against a button masher I dispose of them very easily.All of the combos are useful in different situations against different opponents.Visually this game is amazing,the only problems i've encountered are clipping issues and hit markers.The voice acting is perfect and is never cheesy or irritating.Gameplay is somewhat limited because of the 8 characters and only one alternative weapon for short,mid and projectile.That said apparently there is a dlc coming very soon which will add in new characters which I am delighted about.My main gripe is people online losing and then quitting,if you don't want to play competitively then play practice mode or arcade.All that said I rate the game on the following headlines:
Visuals: 9.5 because of clipping and hit markers.
Lifespan: 8 because of few characters and weapons.
Gameplay. 10 because it is superbly fun and online is hardcore.
All in all i give this game a 9.5 out of 10.