Not as scary as the original Dead Space, but it serves as nice prequel, and a great game on it's own.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space: Extraction WII
Dead Space: Extraction is absolutely nothing like the original Dead Space. It's a prequel for one and it's an on rails shooter. Keep in mind I've never played a rail shooter before so this was a new experience for me, however I absolutely loved it. I can't go into the story without spoiling it, but it's very good I must say. Gameplay is also quite good, the Wii remote feels good in a game for once (ZOMG NO WAY!). The graphics are also some of the best on the Wii, with the necromorphs in particular looking utterly fantastic. The sound is just as good as the original game, especially the voice acting. However replay value isn't very high I must admit, after 1 playthrough you probably won't touch it ever again. It's also pretty short too, I beat it in about 6 hours. Despite those short comings, the game is utterly fantastic while you have it. Though it isn't as scary as the original Dead Space, it's a very good prequel, and a great game on it's own.