What Dead Space 3 should have been..

User Rating: 8 | Dead Space 3: Awakened X360
So, first off I loved this DLC, even though it was very short. I put about 2 hours into it. I'm not going to tell the plot because of spoilers, but it follows Clarke and Carters story line. It's very creepy and scary, just like Dead Space 1&2. Sadly...I feel like I'm being cheated. Dead Space 3 SHOULD have been like the others! Fans paid for a game assuming it would be like the rest, then to get what they want, we have to pay an extra 10 dollars for a short piece of what Dead Space fans love. This DLC adds new weapon parts (MK-II), and new circuits that have "+3". You revisit old places to find them changed over in the events that are unfolding.

The story is still weak (although it is classic and fun). This is why, it doesn't add up to the ending of the game. Without telling too much, their reasoning is literally. "I gave up understanding ever since the Ishimira." That's such a lazy way of getting more money and content...Also, Clarke starts tripping like he did in one and two. Even though throughout the entire dead space 3, he never had visions, yet for some reason now he does.

Gameplay is fun for this DLC, but the hack job of Dead Space's plot line, really made it suffer.

XBL- Monza 1966