Repetitive and predictable. Time to put this series to rest.

User Rating: 6 | Dead Space 3 X360
Predictable start - a couple of cheesy zombie soldiers, the dramatic clue what's going on.
The story and dialogue are just sad this time. To some it up Isaac's general viewpoint is "the world is in danger again? Pfffhhh who cares, I'm not helping.........WAIT my ex-girlfriend's in trouble? *To the rescue!*".
Even the developers seem to have given up with the story at this point, there's some vague references to markers (yet again) then we're fighting necromorphs, no build up, no scares just room after room of necromorphs. The developers seem to think just putting more necromorphs in one room at a time and making them faster is somehow going to be original and's not.

Then we have to get on a train....predictably fighting our way to the other end (yawn). Oh wait, we're on a nice safe ship now, surely that can't last long.....explosion 2 seconds later and back to fighting necromorphs.

They've complicated the weapons upgrade system which is an inconvenience and unnecessary but I suppose they were desperate to add something new in.

Graphics were ok, except when Isaac stomped on someone and they got caught between his legs.

Music is good.

The main villain is a joke. Grumpy cat would have been easier to take seriously than this guy.

Only new enemy I've seen so far is humans with guns, again very original, never seen that before in game(!). It's not even especially well done or different in any way to 99% of games out there.

Can easily see EA's greedy influence taking over with so much more emphasis on the co-op and online passes.

Controls still feel clumsy (but that was a problem in all 3 games) but it's more noticeable in a game that's all about action and shooting anything that moves.

Tried to be fair with the rating, it's not the worst game ever made and for new players it may even be pretty good. For me personally though, after spending so much time on the other 2 in the series....this game just feels stale and boring and I really wish I hadn't wasted my money on it.