A superb sci-fi thriller & a great addition to the Dead Space saga.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 3 X360
I'm one of the biggest Dead Space fans there is. I think it's one of the few intelligent gaming series still out there that does not compromise for its audience. It certainly helps that it's a sci-fi title, one of my favorite genres. It's also one of the few good survival horror franchises out there. I don't believe any of that has changed with Dead Space 3, contrary to what you may have heard.

This latest entry still offers tons of scares, except this time, it feels different when you experience them with someone else. And if you happen to find a good co-op partner, it becomes a much more rewarding experience. It's awesome trying to cover your buddy, not sure if something will jump at you from behind....it's hectic, it's tense....welcome to Dead Space 3.

Graphics are just amazing, with zero drops in framerate & incredible set pieces, such as the outside space area that you can explore in zero gravity. Drifting through space with a buddy, looking for loot, is probably one of the most memorable experiences I've had in gaming......anyone who ever dreamed of what it would be like being in space, should not pass this game up.

Sound effects and soundtrack are again amazing, and this time the soundtrack has a few tunes that will make you feel pumped for some of the action sequences. And yes, there's a lot of action in this game - not instead of the horror, but in addition to it.

Gameplay is amazing as previous entries, and the new weapon crafting system is just sick. Lots of replay value here, with many different difficulty levels that not only makes the enemies tougher, but change some of the game rules. A classic mode kind of allows you to play DS3 in the style of Dead Space 1.

I enjoyed the story a lot. It certainly is more meaningful if you played the previous games, but it's not a requirement. I did not find it complicated or confusing, as some reviews suggested. It's good writing, and it rewards attention to detail. While perhaps not as dark as previous DS entries, it's plausible because of how the story and Isaac, as a character, change through the years. Carver, the character your co-op partner would play, is a great addition and has his own dark background that can be uncovered through some optional co-op missions.

If you are already a big Dead Space fan, chances are you already have this game. If you are hesitant due to some of the negative things you may have heard, then I recommend you at least rent it. And, if you have never played a Dead Space game before, and you are a Sci-Fi fan, definitely try this game out, there is nothing like it on the market today.