This game is a must if you have the courage to play it. Dead Space 2 is Wet-In-Your-Pant game I got a chance to play!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 PC
Engineer Isaac Clarke must bravely walk thru the Halls of Grisly, Nightmarish HELL aboard the Sprawl Space Port and destroy the Replica Marker. Necromorphic monsters were too terrifying to watch and definitely made me wear pampers. The sounds of embodied moaning and growling were unbearable to listen. Only things helping Isaac fought his way through hell were his powerful plasma cutter, TK device and Statis Modules. The Secret Government is trying to stop Isaac from destorying the Marker and Leaders of Uniology are after his brain to reveal the secret discovery what's inside the Marker. Only setback in the game is the difficulties with controls. You have to learn to switch between weapons and practice better on your aiming. So, I gave a rating of 9.5 for awesome graphic, great sound, and excellent storylines! IT'S AN INCREBILITY HORRIFYING GAME I EVER PLAYED! !!!