An action-packed thrill ride not to be missed!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
Dead Space 2 Review by Leakybubbles
Broken down in to (4) sections and the average score will apply.

1. Story (no spoils)
Dead Space 2 starts where the other finished, this time around you (Isaac) are infected and through out the game you will have random visions and hauntings from the previous game, other than that though - not much. With a few scares here and there it doesn't effect much. The story is pretty interesting, if you care about fake religions and a magical object. But, this game is not played for the story, it's for the gameplay. (7/10)

2. Gameplay
The gameplay is pretty excellent. It improved a lot from the last game with a bunch of small but convient things such as being able to stomp faster and aim around faster and such, making the game more enjoyable and less frustrating and more modern. The new guns are fun and the game does a good job of not losing it's originality, fun, uniqueness, and tensity that all Dead Space fans have come to love about the game. There will many moments where you are running for your life and getting through hard points in the game on a limb. The new zero-gravity effect is a nice addition, but the loss of mini-games is a sad loss. The game is pretty consistent all the way through and doesn't get too repetitive til toward the end of the game. It's just plain fun to play, give it a play through especially if you loved the first game. (9/10)

3. Graphics/Sound
Fantastic looking, all the way through the game. The enemies look fierce and the atmosphere and scenery look great. The sounds are scary and coherent with enemies attacking, and scary looking areas to create fear and doubt in the mind while playing. They did a good job. (8.5/10)

4. New, new new!
New weapons are fun to try out, still I find myself using the plasma cutter the most. Upgrades are as addicting as ever, searching and exploring is very rewarding and the game balances very well with old and new while keeping everything you loved about Dead Space. My only complaint would be the hacking system being very simple and the game being only 10 hours long at max. Still, the game is fun, and very hard if you pick higher difficulties. Fun game, pick it up. (8.5/10)