Incredible campaign(scary too) and super addictive multiplayer makes Dead Space 2 one of the best games in my opinion.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
First at all, i´m a great fan of survival horror games like Resident evil,Silent hill, dead space,etc.
I obviously knew that if D.Space was very scary and with awesome gameplay, dead space 2 should be much better...And it is... A lot.
The graphics stay the same, just a little more worked, which is fine for me.
Gameplay in dead space games is awesome,if you have played Resident 4 and liked it, you should definitely buy this one. You can be investigating for items while a monster can appear in the dark atmosphere, but instead of shooting exactly to the head, is harder in here, you need to shoot to the extremities from the arms and legs until they died. --- Multiplayer is highly addictive, i spent 2 hours without interruption playing it, first you will be a monster, you can choose anyone you want from 4 they give you to choose, all have different attacks,etc. You must avoid the humans to escape, don´t letting them grab something they need, you must really cooperate with your team. While with humans, you can kill the monsters but most important here is to complete the objectives, someone need to grab something to escape and the others need to protect him while he walks to let the thing in another place where it is supposed to be.
Excellent designed soundtracks that makes you have fear in a place, and the sound effects are great, i have some speakers for bigger sound, it is JUST like the movies.
Very good atmosphere to make the game looks even more scary, you will fear this game!
You will crap on your pants (Literally??)
I give this game a 9.5, almost the perfect game, if you haven´t played dead space 1, don´t worry, you can play this one first if you want, but can contain little spoilers...So, i have just recently bought it, and haven´t stop playing it, excellent campaign, addictive multiplayer, what else you need!?