Simply Brutal

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
Dead Space 2 provides an amazing array of promise and glory. Isaac Clark faces the demons of his past in this highly immersive blood stained classic. Being a 2 disc game brought joy to me when I opened the case for the first time. Gameplay instantly insued in the usual way of chaos and mayhem for poor Isaac. The story unfolds in a torn apart city which has become obsessed with "The Relic." It appears that Isaac has a little obsession of his own with the constant and rather shocking appearance of his deceased wife. Isaac is not alone this time around and finds friends and foes along the way to the government center of this newly war torn city. Being a rather difficult game on any setting make this game some what unique with the ever increasing monsters on the way to the center of the city. Amazing soundtrack and stunning visuals along with familiar gameplay make this a must own for horror fans of any kind.