Dead Space 2 is probably the best sequel to an original survival horror game since Resident Evil 2!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
Dead Space 2 is a sequel to Dead Space which suceeded in the horror genre games in a long time. Gamers have always wanted a game that scared them unpredictably and to entertain them in so many ways. Dead Space 2 builds much on its predecessor's half and promises to be more frightening than ever.

EA has done good job with the marketing and production for this game and made this game look even more scary that it should be.

The game is left after the ending of Dead Space 2, you are now in this new area or city in space rather than just a spaceship in the original. You will encounter much more enemies at a time which could at twists in some situations: for example; you could walk into a room then suddenly a monster comes from behind, front, ceiling and floor at the same time - this would then allow you to think tactical how to escape in that situation and of course you would crap your pants at the time :)

You will be able to fight new enemy monsters such as the small infected babies that jump and eat you and many. You will able to wield new weapons to destroy the monsters. The level design is really well made and the maps are there to make you feel like your there in real life thanks to the games amazing visual and graphics.

The sound effects will haunt you through the whole game, you will feel and hear some of the most cinematic sounds and music ever produced like in real films.

There is much more to this game but it is best not to spoil so you can experience for your self, for years EA has failed in some games and made great games, but Dead Space 2 proves that EA is now learning their tracks and hopefully EA to stop milking franchises out of people.

Dead Space 2 is simply just awesome, it is great to have a great survival horror to return to haunt us...