I feel like this installment of Dead Space felt a little bit overdone.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
So about a week ago I finshed the first Dead Space and I really thought it was a great game, so after finishing it, I figured why not continue the series. Well... this one just felt as I said in my opening sentence overdone. The reason I say this is because while the horror was even better in this game it was done way to much and in most parts of the game, you will know its coming and will start to not even care anymore cause it happens so much, so the horror is there but isn't executed as well as it was in the first Dead Space, and the reason for this is because the first Dead Space didn't have every door way crawling with Necromorphs. So like I said the horror in this game is good and scary but it happens way too many times to where the point of it gets typical. Another thing that I wasen't crazy about was there were not many bench's to upgrade your weapons throughout the game and there weren't that ,many stores either and one huge reason I loved the first Dead Space so much was because you could always upgrade your weapons most of the time and I enjoyed this because it made you feel that you were slowly but surely getting stronger and I just liked that feeling but on this one not so much don't get me wrong its not a huge flaw but I wish it was done a little better. One thing I was really dissapointed with though was the weapon selection, they couldnt have made a bigger selection of weapons, most of them are the same from the first one in fact I don't even think any are new are you serious they couldn't make any new ones what a joke.

The story isn't very different either basically a bunch of people are after Issac again because he holds a key to the marker in his brain(or something like that), and throughout the game Issac's demenita will catch up with him and he will continue to see Nicole from the first Dead Space and they keep putting it in throughout the whole game and so much to the point where like I said it becomes overdone and really annoying to be honest. The whole story again is just nothing too special, There are actually cutscenes in this one but again theres nothing really special, I just feel like I'm playing the first Dead Space again. One thing they did do right with this story is that Issac can finally talk, on the first one he couldn't and now he does so I am glad for that. One part I did feel they did right was going back to the first ship Issac was in during the first Dead space, it's horrifying and it's feels so satisfying navigating through the memorys of playing through the ship reminding you of the first one. Another great thing in this game is the mechanics for the gameplay in this game, the waypoint feels better to use and it's much more linear and the controls just feel a little bit better, there typical changes that most developers make better in their next installments of their next game in the series. the anti gravity segments are done a lot better also because instead of just jumping from wall to wall you can just float in the air using a jetpack type thing that Issac uses and it's a huge improvement from the first one. (Spoiler Alert) The ending was also lackluster in this one basically you destory the Marker using a machine to poke into your eye and shoot Nicole and that will destroy the marker and after that Issac just sits there depressed that he is going to be destroyed until Ellie a freind that helps you throughout the game picks you up and you fly out of there and basically he looks at her like she is going to pop out at you like Nicole in the first Dead Space. So nothing really exciting and nothing really new either.

Overall I like Dead Space 2 however their isn't a whole lot of new things too it, it just felt very similar to the first one I wish they would of just changed it up a bit and made the gameplay a little more fresher, and thats my big complaint about this game it's not that this game isn't fun but it feels like you are just playing the first Dead Space again, for a sequel they should of just changed it up a bit because it starts to feel dry. If you do like Dead Space then this is worth picking up but don't expect a big difference from it.