Amazing gameplay, good graphics, great story line, and last but not the least best multiplayer game of the year.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 X360
Dead Space 2 is a great game. First of all the gameplay is amazing: new characeters, missions, enemies, weapons, maps, multiplayer matchups and many more. Second the story line is very connected to the last dead space and the story line of dead space 2 is very long. Third the graphics are quite ok other than the last dead space. Then last but not the least, the multiplayer. 1 Word "Amazing". So if you are thinking of whether to buy this game or not, i would say buy this one, because if you started playing the first dead space, i think you should continue and play this one. So to summarize all of this. Dead Space 2 has a great gameplay, good graphics, amazing multiplayer, and great story line. Then last but not the least, i give Dead Space 2 a 9.5 out of 10. So if you are a fan of Dead Space wait for the next one: "Dead Space 3".