Issac's new adventure shadowed by necromancers,wid some new additions 2 d list+gr8 story makes it a real masterpiece!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space 2 PS3
Dead Space 2 starts a few years after Issac destroyed the marker at Ishimura,,,this time he begins as a captive in a human lab when their ship is attacked by Necromancers,,,,he has lost most of his memories regarding d events that took place after his return from Ishimura,,,until he is helped by a fellow captive (Stross) to recover it(in it),,,,,With d help of Stross,Ellie(an elite pilot),n Nicoel(illusion),,,,Issac must overcome Captain Tiedmann n d necromancers to destroy d marker again created by his own mind.........The addition of new necromancers is a gift for d hardcore lovers of dead space,n along with new items,weapons,hacking systems n suits,,it makes a wonderful game,,,,d story is really good,n sometimes d close encounters with multiple necromancers gives an adrenaline rush,,,,,,,,overall,it ain't that scary as d 1st one,,,but is surely a game worth playing!!!!