Dead or Alive

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space 2 X360
Its my first review so dont judge me hard. Liked it ! Its really great Horror game ! Not easy one but fun and always playing with tension!:)Many chapters , i was really wondered , thought game would be not that long. If to be short you will enjoy it even more playing at night alone lol. Il tryed and an got really good amount of adrenalin. For sure will purchase Dead Space 3 and firstone. Started from the 2 one .Comparing to wannabe horrorgames like RS 4,5,6 Dead Space is really masterpiece. Great stuff from EA. waiting for release of Dead Space 3. Already added to wishlist :)) I haw big Tv so on big Screen game seems just perfect.
Game have many dark corners and much to discover. Killing an enemy you can smash him ad collect great and useful stuff. Great is floating i some part of the game. Sometimes there are some "bosses" as well. You can always upgrade your skills , damage , health in Store. Fr that you need credits and Nodes.