this game is absolutely one of the best games i ever played

User Rating: 9.6 | Dead Rising X360
The Good: awesome graphics, the zombies, the character models, and there is a tons of stuff in the enviroments that looks really cool. and the sound is absolutely really good everything from the voice acting on the cutscenes and when stuff smashes and stuff like that it's just awesome. and the gameplay is really good, when you picking everything around the huge enviroments and killing zombies is alwasy really awesome and really fun. and there is even one very sexy women with big boobies, if not more sexy womens in dead rising and that's cool.

The Bad: it could have a very aweseome multiplayer component, maybe a co-op play or something.

this game is amazing. the graphics, the sound, the gameplay and everything is just really awesome and there is a downloadable demo for this on xbox live marketplace that you can download if you want to test it before buying it. but this game is overall just one of the best games i ever played!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!