So many zombies! So little time...

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Rising X360
The idea of being stuck in a shopping mall with hordes of zombies in a shopping mall is spectacular, not to mention the terrible awesome and gruesome things you can do to the zombies. I put dozens of hours into this game trying to get all of the special items, such as the laser sword and mega buster. My only complaints are the briefness of the campaign, though it has high replay value, the game loses its sandbox feel the farther into the game you progress, the save system needs work, some special moves are too hard to pull off, and the AI needs to be less...well...stupid. However you'll be so busy disemboweling the survivors and hitting them in the face with a soccer ball that you will pay no attention to the AI anyway. These may sound like enough problems to ruin a game and if it was less fun it would ruin it, but its hard not to like a game as well thought out and entertaining as this one. All in all, this one is one for the books.