Simply put, this is one of the greatest games of all-time and a modern masterpiece.

User Rating: 10 | Dead Rising X360
This was the reason I got an Xbox 360 back in 06. Being locked inside a mall full of zombies that could be killed with a large variety of weapons just sounded to good for me to pass. This game has everything. Story, great combat, and unforgettable villains.

The psychopaths really make this game great. Adam the clown, Cletus the gun-shop owner, Jo the fat crazy cop, Cliff the vietnam vet, Roger and his sons the snipers, Kent the photographer, the escaped prisoners, Sean the cultist, Brock the military man, Larry the butcher, Steven the supermarket manager, and of course Carlito. All these psychos are scarier than the 53,000 zombies in the game.

The weapons are so fun to use and healing up by eating yogurt or corn adds to the charm of this game. The voice acting is top notch as well. This game can get hard especially if you want to save all the survivors and escort them to safety. I like the time limit because it keeps things moving and contrary to what most people think the save sytem isn't that bad.

This game is perfect, no doubt about it. I mean I play through this game so often and I still don't get tired of it. Best thing is Dead Rising 2 is on the horizon and although Frank West won't be in it, you bet I'll get it opening day. I could go on and on about this game but really it is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever.