Well, I can't complain 'bout chicks in bikinis. But I can about this game, You'll see why!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball XBOX
Well, okay here it goes. DOAXBV is beautiful game with gorgeous women playing several rounds of Volleyball and what kind of dude don't like that? I liked this game I thought the swimsuits were great i.e. the Venus ^.^ schwaa!! The buttons were pretty simple "A" is serve and hit and "B" is hand off to your partner, okay simple right? Yeah of course it is it's just the timing that can kill ya, meaning if you're goin' to serve best you pull the D-pad to the left and the hit "A" for best results! Then when your partner hands it off to you, you better time it right or else it bounces off the net, so watch it. Then again the controls could have been worked out A LOT more and put in more features. Like instead of doubles, how about a singles? Or what could have been beter in my opinion it could have been like date sim, and--- wait, no bad idea. *Awkwardness* Moving, on.

So to continue, I think DOAX could've been more "XTREME!" and no I do not mean nudity you perv. I mean like special moves, c'mon your playing with two sexy ninjas, they could at least throw some shurikens at their opponents, a shoe, something! But a pro to that is you can hit your opponent with the ball, but unfourtunenately (sp?) they can't be knocked out =' ( . I'll reiterate my statement about the controls, they are way to simple to understand without reading the instructions, but they could have added a system where you can preform "uber" (Heh, ala SSX Tricky) moves. For example, they could have given Ayane a kamikaze move like Hayabusa in DOA/2/3/Ultimate (4 too?). Sure it would knock out Ayane and one of the other oponents but at least you even the odds and then switch to your partner and it's 1-on-1! Theres something for Team Ninja think about, but then again theres always DOAX2!

Next is the suits, most of the outfits are real pretty and definetly suit the girl's personalities. Like the Canary suit for Leifang it's yellow and she's yellowy like that! But there are some that are a little too "racy" or "no way is she putting THAT on!?" well at least for my taste anyways