Fun In The Sun

User Rating: 8.3 | Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball XBOX
This is like a Barbie dress up game for perverted males. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Truthfully, I respect the fact that there is an M rating on this game, although it should only be a Teen. You play as one of the ladies from the DOA series. The object of the game seems to be an accumulation of money so you can buy new swimsuits and merchandise. Some of this merchandise is to keep the other girls on your side, just in case your Volleyball partner decides to quit on you. They will do so as soon as you lose a few games.
The Volleyball game is actually pretty good, it's easy to learn but deep enough that you wont get bored with it to quickly. Much like the entire game.
The casino can be fun, There is a blackjack table as well as roulette and the slot machines. I just think it would be cool to be able to see your character and maybe dress them up for the evening.
The inclusion of an add your own soundtrack adds to the enjoyment.
You only get two weeks on the island, but you can save your progress and go back again. Not too shabby a game but it has room for improvements.