Dead or Alive 3 is a solid fighting game but it doesn't look as good as it could have.

User Rating: 8 | Dead or Alive 3 (Classics) XBOX
Dead or Alive 3 is a 3D fighting game from Tecmo and Team Ninja that not a whole lot can be said about.

Dead or Alive 3's graphics are ok but don't really stand out that much. The arenas' that players will fight in are pretty diverse and range from snowy landscapes to on top of a temple. The arenas' look good and nothing seems out of place. Even the effects for things like fire are really well done. However the character models seem a little reminiscent of older 3D fighting games just updated a little to make them appear 3D. Unfortunately while this isn't that noticeable at first it becomes more apparent in each characters ending movie after players beat the story mode for any given character. In the cut scenes this reminiscent of older 3D fighting games is more apparent and more obvious as characters seem to share similar amounts of detail and depth as in older 3D fighting games just slightly updated to 3D.

Dead or Alive 3's gameplay is genuinely solid and plays real well. There's a good diversity of fighting styles that are represented really well and even look realistic in terms of movements and motions made for each style. The controls really work in Dead or Alive 3's favour as they are easy to use and not confusing and like all fighting games the advanced moves will take time to learn but that's a given. Unfortunately there is one slight problem in that players can only use the D-pad to move the characters around. The one main problem with the game's story mode though is that in the last battle the camera changes to behind the players' character instead of beside them like in all other battles. This may confuse players as to which direction on the D-pad they should be pressing.

Dead or Alive 3's audio is good but has one issue. The issue is that there's no English audio track of any kind. Luckily there are nice and big sub titles to make up for this downfall. Other than that everything else sounds great. There are some good tunes for players to fight to and all of the punches and hits sound natural and not faked in any way.

Overall Dead or Alive 3 is good fighting game for the Xbox that players should defiantly take a look at.