Worth a look.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dawn of Magic PC
I'm not going to waste too much time and space getting into mundane details. Most of what I have to say has invariably been said in previous posts/reviews, so I'm going to keep it short and to the point. I wasn't expecting much from this game (lack of critical acclaim, barren forum(s) etc.) but seeing as how I have a penchant for Diabloesqe action RPG's I figured I'd give it a try. Well, I'm glad I did. If you are looking for a deep story driven RPG in the vein of Baldurs gate or Torment you should most definitely look elsewhere. If however you have a hankering for a hack n slash with an intriguing magic system and a phenomenal sense of style then this game is for you. Frankly I'm surprised that this game hasn't garnered more positive attention. They weren't looking to reinvent the wheel so to speak (although this game does have some deliciously unique aspects), they set out to make a fun hack n slash - a game that keeps you glued to the screen in anticipation of that next level and/or loot drop, and to this end they have most certainly succeeded.