Very unique, but not worth the money...

User Rating: 5.6 | Darwinia PC
This was indeed a very unique game when I first started playing it. You first start playing and you think, wow, this game is pretty cool! An hour goes by and you wonder what will happen next. Two hours later you are so bored you wanna cry. O my gosh, it was sooooooo boring. The first bit is fun, you get ur little men, make an army, and attack the bad guys, but then, it's the same thing over and over again and it's soooo easy. If the game wasn't as easy as it was it might have been more fun but this was an "everyone" game which defines it as very very easy. Don't waste your precious money on the terrible game. Buy another game like Fable, or CSS or DoD. You'll definitly be thanking me if you listen to me and don't buy this game...